------------------------------------------------------------------------ Session 1 (09.00 -- 10.30) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 09.05 Opening of the workshop 09.15 - 10.15 Delia Kesner (invited talk): A Computational Interpretation of Girard's Intuitionistic Proof Nets 10.15 - 10.30 room for discussion ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10.30 - 11.00 coffee break ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Session 2 (11.00 -- 12.30) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11.00 - 11.30 Tikhon Pshenitsyn: Transformation of DPO Grammars into Hypergraph Lambek Grammars With The Conjunctive Kleene Star 11.30 - 12.00 Vincent van Oostrom: Greedily Decomposing Proof Terms for String Rewriting into Multistep Derivations by Topological Multisorting 12.00 - 12.30 Roy Overbeek and Joerg Endrullis: A PBPO+ Graph Rewriting Tutorial ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12.30 - 14.00 lunch break ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Session 3 (14.00 - 15.30) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14.15 - 15.15 Joerg Endrullis (invited talk): PBPO+ Graph Rewriting in Context 15.15 - 15.30 room for discussion ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15.30 - 16.00 coffee break ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Session 4 (16.30 -- 17.30) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16.00 - 16.30 Tim Kraeuter, Harald Koenig, Adrian Rutle, and Yngve Lamo: Formalization and analysis of BPMN using graph grammars 16.30 - 17.00 Stephen Mell, Osbert Bastani, and Steve Zdancewic: Ideograph: A Language for Expressing and Manipulating Structured Data 17.00 - 17.25 room for discussions 17.25 closing of the workshop ------------------------------------------------------------------------