The advantage of computing with graphs rather than terms is that common subexpressions can be shared, improving the efficiency of computations in space and time. Sharing is ubiquitous in implementations of programming languages: many functional, logic, object-oriented and concurrent calculi are implemented using term graphs. Research in term and graph rewriting ranges from theoretical questions to practical implementation issues. Different research areas include: the modelling of first- and higher-order term rewriting by (acyclic or cyclic) graph rewriting, the use of graphical frameworks such as interaction nets and sharing graphs (optimal reduction), rewrite calculi for the semantics and analysis of functional programs, graph reduction implementations of programming languages, graphical calculi modelling concurrent and mobile computations, object-oriented systems, graphs as a model of biological or chemical abstract machines, and automated reasoning and symbolic computation systems working on shared structures.
The aim of this series of workshops is to bring together researchers working in these different domains and to foster their interaction, to provide a forum for presenting new ideas and work in progress, and to enable newcomers to learn about current activities in term graph rewriting.